As we hope you know by now, our biggest event of the year is just a few days away – THE PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET – HOLIDAY EDITION
It originally started as fundraising event to help pay our insurance premium and various other costs of hosting shows in all ages DIY spaces. The last few years it has grown tremendously and we found ourselves in the fortunate predicament of having excess money left over. In the past year we have been able to donate $20,000 to local and international charities. We think that’s pretty great! Next week we hope to continue that tradition with a large donation to one of the most inspirational and unique charities in the world, SKATEISTAN. We encourage you take a few mins out of your day and check out this quick video below to learn more about this wonderful organization that creates some real happiness for children, in some of the most impoverished and desperate places in the world. A large portion of proceeds from this holiday Punk Rock Flea Maket will go to establishing safe places for children to play, especially those living in difficult circumstances or in a conflict situation. In places like Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Africa, the streets aren’t a safe place for children. We know the value of a warm meal and school supplies, Skateistan’s programs provide all that and more. Children deserve more – they deserve a childhood. They deserve an escape from the realities and stresses of growing up in an extremely difficult setting. That’s where SKATEISTAN comes in. Through the initial efforts of just one skater, there are now over 750 skateboarders in Afghanistan ad nearly half of them are girls. This is important because most women / girls in Afghanistan are forbidden to ride bikes, play sports and are discouraged from learning. In a place where the female literacy rate is only 13%, where girls access to education, let alone sport is barely existent…The Skateistan girls are doing it all. Watch this video with extensive interviews from legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk, Skateistan’s founder Oliver Percovich and the children if Skateistan. Learn the incredible story of skateboarding in Afghanistan and how they are transforming the lives of young women for the better. |